About SRA

SRA was set up to help improve or re-establish work habits for those whose lives have been interrupted by mental illness. This includes accessing adult education, work placements and support to find a job. This training takes place in one of our 3 social enterprises – catering, cleaning, and print, which includes our Copyshop and print finishing. Everyone has an opportunity to become more familiar with IT and develop IT skills. We aim to:
Improve work skills and the disciplines associated with employment.
Improve social interaction skills in order to collaborate with others and relate to people appropriately in a working environment
Increase confidence and independence, including moving to more independent living, and decision making
Increase employment potential
Improve mental well-being
Make people less reliant on mental health services
Promote greater social inclusion
For more information give us a call and arrange to pop in for a chat
t: 020 8766 6688